Industrial websites that effectively attract traffic and convert visitors share common characteristics that you could pattern against to improve your website’s performance.
User-centric websites are designed from the outside-in, so they simulate a buyer’s offline behaviors when evaluating products to purchase. Navigations are structured and labeled to match the buyer’s mindset and their selection process. User-centric websites anticipate and accommodate, making it easy for buyers to maneuver on computers, tablets or cell phones.
Old code, big image files, and broken applications are highly correlated with orphaned or abandoned websites. Google, nor any other search engine, will ever rank a neglected site very high because most visitors will find it worthless, or worth less than websites using current codes that yield a positive user experience.
If your website does not accurately reflect your company, makes users hunt for information needed to make a buying decision, or is not optimized for cell phones and tablets, it is time to reskin or revamp your website. Contact us to analyze your Google Analytics data to gauge what your website it telling you about buyer behaviors or for recommendations on which approach would be best for you.