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Leveraging LinkedIn To Develop New Business

Leveraging LinkedIn To Develop New Business

If you are responsible for sales, LinkedIn is an essential tool to generate revenue. Using LinkedIn you can develop new business, boost brand visibility, and foster meaningful connections. Although LinkedIn has been around since 2002 it

Virtual Tours

What Every Company Should Know About Virtual Tours

Virtual tours have been available for many years. Until recently, the quality has been fair, and the price has been out of reach for most small to mid-sized organizations. However, with advancements in technology, and since

Disrupt the Day to Day to Drive your Business Forward

Instituting a new business process requires change - which is temporarily disruptive, scares some while making others uncomfortable.  Because most business processes directly or indirectly influence your sales efforts, it also impacts the company’s future revenue

Pretotype: How Your Business Stays Innovative

“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything” - Dwight D. Eisenhower. This truism is as accurate in battle as it is in business – especially in rapidly changing markets. Why? Because a business plan is a bet

business plans

Adding Value to Tactical Strategic Business Planning

Strategy is as much about what to do as it is what to not do. It establishes soft, but clearly understood parameters flexible enough to be modified based on market feedback and competitive forces. Because your