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web redesign

The Negative Impact of Website Redesign Assumptions

web redesign A website redesign is a necessary but often lengthy undertaking for most businesses. The urge to cut corners during strategic planning is prevalent, but failure happens when businesses rely on assumptions. Failure, in this case, relates to your website’s ability to act as an effective lead generation hub. If you do not vet latent assumptions as part of your online marketing strategy, you will be disappointed with the effectiveness of your website related to user experience, overall performance, and lead capture potential.

There are four assumptions that are commonly made during the website redesign process:

  1. Jumping to Conclusions. When reviewing aspects of your current site at the outset of a website redesign project, it can be easy to look at what exists on your site and assume that it’s effective. The fact is, your team needs to review all aspects of your site from calls-to-action, to forms, to content from the perspective of your target market. Use their needs and goals as the driver to remove the “as is” assumption.
  2. One word – NOT. There are no absolutes in a web redesign strategy, nor is there only one way to approach a problem, a goal, or a potential solution. The whole purpose of having a team of people working on your website is to allow for multiple perspectives and views for each problem that arises. Two people could look at the same photo and notice different elements based on what they focus on, or relate what they perceive differently relative to their life experiences. This multi-viewed approach is intended to avoid the assumption that there is anyone way to solve a problem. Take the time to do some market research for the potential solutions you are vetting for your website redesign. Surveys and polls are strategic and targeted tools to use with a target segment to gauge the viability of the ideas on the table.
  3. “We’ve always done it this way.” Probably the most common assumption in business, this is also the easiest to miss. The assumption that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” justifies skipping over reviewing any existing business processes attached to your website. The comfort of the existing processes, even if they work poorly from efficiency or strategic perspective, can be an easy justifier to “just let things be for now.” This is the time to realign your business processes with your business goals and adjust accordingly.
  4. Mislabeling Facts, Opinions, and Guesses. In group projects, new or innovative ideas can sometimes be met with a lack of enthusiasm, which can derail a new idea before it even gets a shot. The assumption that “new” is odd or difficult or may not work can deflate the potential of your website redesign. All ideas need to be given equal value and consideration to develop the strongest online marketing strategy to support your business goals.

When assumptions are recognized, called out, and addressed proactively, the results lead to breakthrough thinking, new revelations, creative concepts, and fresh perspectives.  When teams free themselves from self-limiting constraints erected by false or dated assumptions, they can design, develop and deliver a more strategic and effective website redesign.

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