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LinkedIn Conversion Triggers

The purpose of your social media content is to further engage readers and deepen their trust in your brand.  Each segment on LinkedIn where you share content is a crossroads on the path to decision making for your target audience, where they can choose to read on and convert, or move on. With that in mind, everything you share needs to be written to drive readers down your sales funnel, to convert leads and increase sales.

Converting from your Social Media Content Shares

No matter what kind of content you share on LinkedIn, converting readers to sales is the ultimate goal. Implement the following tips to create engaging, convertible content to share with your connections, followers and group members:

·         Develop compelling headlines. Your headlines, whether for your posts, articles, videos, profile information or discussion topics, are the first impression your readers get of your content. Make them timely and make them meaningful enough to your target market to cause them to act, in this case, to read more.

·         Keep your audience engaged after your headline with an appealing first line. See a sample of an effective headline/first line pairing here.

·         Suggest a next step in your content to give your audience an action to follow with what they have recently learned. This will reaffirm your authority on the subject and let them see it in practice. Think of it as marketing homework.

·         Create content that’s easy to scan with bold headlines so you reader can see the “big picture” before diving in. At a glance, your headline, sub-headline, bullet points or any other call outs collectively provide a visual map to the criteria that speaks most poignantly to their specific needs.

·          Include keywords in the title and body copy to gain more readership based on the LinkedIn search function and to draw traffic from search engines.

Converting from your LinkedIn Personal Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your “face” on the site, describing who you marketing objectiveare and how you represent your brand. The configuration of your profile content as well as the details therein offer a multitude of conversion triggers to increase sales.

Depending on your marketing objective, organize the content in your LinkedIn profile to highlight the details that resonate with your target market. For example, if you are looking to connect with philanthropic prospects, you may want to have your listed “organizations” near the top of your profile page. Or, if you are in the midst of a promotion of specific content to educate a segment of your target market, keep your most recent activity at the top, under your summary.

Tip: You can also attach images, document, presentation or links to your summary to enhance your conversion potential.

Your personal profile summary offers great potential to convert leads. Speak to WHY they should connect with you, read your content and ultimately, become a client.

As you develop content, be cognizant that it effectively signals who you are and what your brand represents to your target market.  Develop a strong content strategy and stay engaged once you post to get a good read on the responses elicited. By monitoring what drives response within your target market, adjust your content strategy to increase your conversion rates.

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