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Things to Avoid When you Make your Website

If you have a business website, then on page SEO has come up during stages of your professional web design. However, it is rarely the primary focus for business owners or even developers and can often fall to the wayside in the flurry of back and forth emails, calls, meetings and communications that become part of the professional web design process. Be sure to avoid the following “pitfalls” that often plague effective on page SEO when a new website goes live.

A Picture Does Not Say 1000 Words for On Page SEO

On Page SEOYour website needs to be attention-grabbing to engage your target market and drive conversions. Well, it is well known that pictures and graphics draw much more attention than text in just about every medium. With that in mind, professional web design often considers graphics for web pages primary content. Keeping text short and simple, while a good rule of thumb for print writing can be taken too literally when it comes to web copywriting.

The quality and quantity of web content on each of your web pages can have a drastic affect on the on page SEO value of your site.

A good rule of thumb is to keep each page filled with about 250 words of keyword-oriented content, and to match your META content to that page’s specific message. If you have graphics, and you probably have at least one, be sure to give it an ALT TAGdescription that fits into your keyword and on page SEO focus for both search engines and those site visitors that may be using graphically-challenged web portals.

Note: META content is the SEO-directed keyword text in the HTML code of your website.

It’s What you Say and Where you Say It That Counts

Yup. Where you say it, not how you say it. Married to the idea of how much text you have on a page is the fact that the location, and layout, of that text can be critical to your on page SEO. If you include in-text hyperlinks in your web page content, but your pages content is so low on the page that your readers have to scroll once or more to see those hyperlinks, you could be losing potential site-time with your visitors.

The purpose of in-text hyperlinks is two-fold. One, you want to draw site visitors farther into your website so they can educate themselves more about your brand offerings. The second reason is to keep site visitors on your pages longer, which can help boost SEO and conversion rates.

So, keep your copy near the top or middle of the page to garner the best reaction from your readers and to keep them engaged in your site as long as possible.

Balance your web graphics and your text on your pages and tie it all up with your keyword focus. On page SEO is necessary to the success of any website. Professional web design needs to focus on it and the factors that can affect it in every stage of the design process to ensure the best results for every website.

Not really. That would be more about page content quality, and this is more about layout and content usage.

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