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Three Reliable Blog SEO Techniques

Starting a blog is a great tool to drive web traffic and lead generation. To effectively drive targeted web traffic, garner readership, increase leads and conversion rates from your blog, there are a few crucial steps that have to be met when starting.

 K.I.S.S. (Keep It So Simple)

Meaning, keep the layout of your blog simple. The point of a blog is the content within it, not graphics and design around it. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t take design and layout of your blog into consideration, just keep it clean and easy to scan.

Often when starting a blog, it’s easy to get sidetracked into the design of the page. It’s easy to build a blog page, especially using tools like wordpress.org, blogspot or hubspot. Keep the following tips in mind when considering your blog page design:

  • Keep the color scheme similar to your website. Site visitors should feel that your blog page is an extension of your website, not a separate page. This helps with the branding relationship between your blog content and your business.
  • Keep the interior page white, where the content is posted, and use black text. It may seem standard, but it’s the most familiar and easiest format to read in.
  • Be sure your logo is on the page and links back to your website to help drive web traffic.
  • Include html META tags to be sure search engines can crawl your site and submit your blog url regularly to search engines to help that process along.

Focus on your Target

Starting a blog is about more than layout. Once you have your design down, it’s time to talk content and that means focusing on the topics and issues that are important to your target market.

  • Keep the topics timely, relevant and engaging. How? Use Google alerts to see what topics are being discussed in your industry and by your audience. Think of your alerts as a road map to what the hot topics in your niche and what’s being said about them.
  • Do keyword research as a second step and select those that will drive the most traffic to your blog, while improving your website’s organic ranking.
  • Speak in terms of your target when starting a blog. Don’t make the content focus around your brand, your company and your goals. Focus your blog content on what your services offer to your target market, how it benefits them. You’ll reap the response you want much more readily than talking “me, me, me”.

Consistency is Key

The most difficult hurdle to overcome when starting a blog is the ability to commit to the content push that your blog will need to drive web traffic and leads alike.

It’s vital to the success of any blog that content be published regularly and optimized with the keywords your target market are searching for online.

  • Posting twice a week is the minimum these days, so when starting a blog, try and hit that mark and see how comfortable it is for your staff.
  • Blog posts don’t have to be 500 words, a concise yet informative 250-300 words will do.
  • Try and post between Monday and Thursday if you can, Fridays tend to be crunch days making extra reading hard to manage.

The process of starting a blog can be daunting to companies who have staff that already wear multiple hats every day. If your business could use a little help starting a blog and maintaining it well enough to drive web traffic, check with a trusted internet marketing company to get started driving leads with your own branded blog.

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